
10 Simple SEO Tips for NON Techie Affiliate marketers

I wanted to share some basic SEO Tips for the non-techie affiliate, so I narrowed it down to

10 fast easy ones that won’t suck up all your time and frustrate you trying to be a techie when your time is better spent marketing.

Hope this helps without being overly complicated or detailed. 

1. Video.

Search engines love video, they gobble it up, and index it.

It’s easy to do short, quality content videos on specific niches, how-tos, reviews, etc. 

The more videos the better, and you DON’T have to appear on screen, it’s up to you.

You don’t need to have the perfect studio lighting and perfection of a movie star, be yourself, talk about what you know. 

2. Think like a VISITOR to your site or a Prospective Customer

What do people logically use to find what you offer?

What words? What combination of words? What variations?

Google does not require exact match keywords, they are able to understand relationships/concepts based on blog/site/page content. 

What words did you use to find your competitor’s site?

Use your brain, and if you really want to dig into this, there are lots of free tools you can use to analyze the best keywords for your business.

3. Build your brand, your niche, your expertise 

Trust is important to your buyers, and also to Google, BING, etc who put a value on AUTHORITY deemed sites as a gauge of trust. 

Authority is something that search engines use to weigh the merit of a website as being more valuable than another in terms of rich content.

Put your time and effort into good keyword rich specific content on lots of different platforms.


4. Social Media matters

If you don’t have social media accounts, get them! 

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In. Start there.

Consider setting up personal accounts and separate company accounts 

Remember everything you post, is your footprint, a trail leading to you from all your postings, key words, content, pages, and blog entries.

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5. Mobile friendly sites are preferred.. 

Since September 2020, Google switched to mobile-first indexing for all sites.

They provide a Mobile-Friendly Test Tool so you can see how Google’s mobile search agent views your site.    

6.  SSL Certificates matter

SSL (domain name validation) is important for your buyers AND is checked and validated by search engines.

Be sure to have an SSL Certificate for your domain name, so you can use BOTH HTTP and HTTPS for your domain name.

Visitors to your site see the padlock in the browser indicating their data is secure when using your site.

A purchased SSL Certificate is advised over anything that is free – remember free services are ad-laden, their interest is their own, not yours,

And they tend to just vanish into the night. 

7.  Site Redirects

Be careful with redirects, too many may affect your SEO.  

Let your site be your site, if using ad trackers, or redirects, do it with limits or get separate sites/pages for different purposes.

8.  Use ALT Image text 

Before posting your graphics be sure to include Alt Image Attributes.

Images get indexed by Google and other search engines and are also important to your visually impaired customers.

9.  Internal site linking

When you’re linking internally on your site, you don’t have to link with your keyword terms internally. 

The content around the link is usually sufficient for keywords/concept indexing. 

seo tips
The Affiliate marketer

10.  Content has been –  and CONTINUES to be KING

That is one thing that has not changed in the ever-changing rules of SEO.   

When it comes to content it should include keywords but don’t overdo it.

Better to have detailed quality content that is informational and reader-friendly, than sparse low-value content peppered with a repetition of keywords.

FAQ pages are a good way to get good quality content for SEO while providing a service for your customers.

One final bit of advise.  

If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account get one, it’s free and includes info on metatags and lots of helpful information direct from the source.

While you are at it,  get BING Webmaster Tools also to access new audiences, and other useful reports and SEO tips.

Don’t put all your marketing eggs in Google’s basket.

Bottom line.

Do the basics to help your SEO ranking, but don’t forget about your customers.

Keep it user-friendly, and write for your customers primarily – they are your audience and your buyer – NOT Google.

Post quality content often across a variety of platforms with limited repetitions and you will do just fine.

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