
Yoga for Beginners – How and where to start practicing yoga.

Yoga is one of the most important exercises because it has both physical and psychological impacts.

When you start practicing yoga as a beginner, you may feel a little anxious and afraid, but as you progress

and practice day after day, the anxiety will fade away and you will get the best results.

In this article, we will give you instructions on how to start practicing yoga, plus tips to do yoga properly.

How do you start practicing yoga?

Yoga for beginners is a very personal exercise so you must choose which type of yoga exercises you want to practice, and be fully prepared for it.

The right place to practice yoga for beginners is where it is preferably quiet, and away from any source of disturbance or noise.

It is important to choose the right clothing too, I know we all prefer to wear beautiful and elegant clothings when going out, but during yoga exercises, it does not matter how elegant the clothes are.

When practicing yoga, physical exercises for the hands and feet must be applied because yoga sport requires sitting, so a slight spasm can occur in the hands and feet.

While practicing yoga, you must focus on the natural breathing process without controlling its intensity, and you musst try to keep your mind from thoughts that distract you.

The Exercise of yoga is better for atleast 5 minutes and when practicing yoga becomes a daily routine, it is best to do it at the same time every day.

Gerneral, yoga exercises for beginners are difficult at first, but with time and focus, you will develop the ability to relax and clear the mind of negative thoughts, and helps to calm the body and lower blood pressure.

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Where is yoga for beginners practiced?

The practice of yoga has great spiritual dimensions and it is a good exercise for spiritual healing.

The practice of yoga does not need prior arrangements and can be practiced anytime and anywhere,

It can be practiced in gyms and gyms through the use of Yuma application.

When choosing to practice yoga at home, it is best to stay away from everything that causes inconvenience, turn off the annoying sound machines, turn off the TV, and turn off the sound of the phone unless it is used to listen to calm and deep music that helps you relax.

When practicing yoga for beginners, it is preferable to do it in gyms and gyms under the supervision of professional trainers, because there are poses for some types of yoga exercises for beginners that cannot be applied at home.

Yoga for Beginners

Top tips for practicing yoga

As yoga exercises become an integral part of your daily life, here are some tips to help you take full advantage of yoga exercises. These tips are best taken before starting yoga exercises for beginners, to get the best results from different yoga exercises in a short time, and to get rid of the tension that accompanies you while performing the exercises.

1- Maintaining relaxation:

The process of relaxation greatly helps in calming the body, nerves and spiritual recovery in a smooth and healthy psychological and physical health.

2- Choose the right type of yoga for beginners:

There are many different yoga exercises, you have to choose the exercise and the appropriate physical positions for you, so that the exercise is comfortable for you from the psychological aspect. Where you can perform yoga exercises at home, join a yoga class for beginners, or practice yoga with close friends, you can choose the place that feels right for you.

3- Pay attention to the position of the body:

Yoga exercises have postures that depend on the tension of the body so it is better to pay attention to the position of the body when performing these exercises.

4- Practicing yoga for beginners in groups:

When practicing yoga for beginners, it is best to practice in groups or gyms under the supervision of specialized trainers.

Also, learning yoga exercises from YouTube channels or books is often not enough, but they need a professional trainer to adjust their sessions and movement positions.

5- Not eating a meal before exercise:

It is better to do yoga when the stomach is empty, and ensure not to eat any meals during the 2-3 hours before the start of the exercise.

6- Monitoring the breathing process:

The breathing process is one of the most important techniques in yoga exercises, as smooth breathing at a calm pace relieves nervous and psychological pressures

7- Choosing a place to perform the exercises:

It is best to choose a place dedicated to performing yoga exercises for beginners at home because even if the person exercises with his friends or in clubs and gyms, practicing the exercise in your surroundings helps you benefit from the exercise more.

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